Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A proud mamma's moment...

I am so proud of Megan and Chance. They are truly the sweetest kids! How did we get so lucky to have two great kiddos!

They are not only brother and sister, they are the best of friends. Chad and I love that they both get along so so well. It's so great! They hardly have those "brother & sister issues".

We love that they always listen and talk about their days that they have at school, it's so fun listening to them having conversations in the car or at home.

At the end of every night when we have our bedtime stories, Megan always compliments Chance on his reading. So sweet!

This is a biggie.... We love that they have the best of manners when we are out at resturants or anywhere... We have gotten so many compliments from other people ( some older people, which I love) saying how well behaved our kids are. The other day, we were in the hair salon and their was this mom with two boys that were acting out and she stating to her boys " Look at those kids, look how they are not playing around, they are sitting nice and still" It made me proud that Megan and Chance know how to act in public places. :)

They both make us so proud with everything that they do, school, extra activities, but it how they act towards each other and how they know how to behave when we are out and about makes us so proud of them! I know it makes me smile and makes me realize that we so far have done a great job as parents.

We love them to pieces! I know that their brother and sister relationship is going to grow even bigger and bigger!

Happy Blogging,


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